Not gonna bother with this. Most of y'all don't read this and if you are, hey! What's good? So I'm from south and I heard all female Irkens have an accent, like idk where but I found it on one of those Invader Zim Facts things. So to make it easy on me, y'all r gonna have a southern accent. I have a habit of saying Y'all and How'd and what's and all that junk. It's what we do here in GA. Um I guess it won't be regarding the Movie (which is on Netflix- ik, rad as hell) No MinnieMoose. His intro episode was a little lame. Not lame but unexpected. You know. They wanted to give him a good one but they were gonna cancel the show and Vasquez's fave unreleased show was the Christmas one. Sooo you're an Irken, your companion is a little Red Squirrel named Romily. 🐿 🐿 🐿 You're a famous singer and everyone likes you. One day you get kidnapped. Your captor takes you to the one place the tallest will never go; Earth. The horrible, annoying, "Invader" Zim is completing a fake mission. Ok I suck at that stuff. Anyways you're a champ for reading til here! You must be really bored or something! I mean- I never read the disc of a story. I probs should. Anywho love ya and hope u enjoyyy!All Rights Reserved