Splintered fanfic. Discontinued. Alyssa x Jeb/Alyssa x Morph/Kitty x Morph. POV of mainly Kitty and Alyssa, but sometimes Morpheus, Dinah, and Goss.
"So, I followed it, just like it wanted. The cat bounded ahead, weaving through the undergrowth easily. Unfortunately, I wasn't as graceful as it, tripping often, calling out to it, begging the cat to not go as fast. It turned back and mewled, annoyed at how slow I was. 'Calm yourself, Dinah. I'm only human.' Lie number one. We pushed on, coming to a clearing not too far from Sundial Trail, the place they really wanted me to go. I was getting annoyed. 'Why are you dragging me along? I don't even want to go to Wonderland.' Lie number two. If I need be honest, I needed to go there so bad, it made my bones ache. It had something to do with my blood, but I never understood that. All I really cared about was the itch behind my ears and near my lower back, the same one I get near the rabbit hole every damn time, in dreams or waking. I'd go down it, someday."
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
social media & irl
(Updates every day or every other day)