Queen Galaxia and king Cosmos had three daughters Celestia, Luna and Twilight sparkle which meant that Equestria would have three rulers but a war the king died. the queen left twilight on the doorstep Twilight Velvet and Night Light, fearing that the enemy might be after her and twilight . after finding out that was adopted and find out that she and the princesses were sisters Twilight, Celestia and Luna want back in time to find out why her had left Twilight with the help of starswirl this is my first fanfiction so plz give some feedback Queen Galaxia and king Cosmos by [url=https://www.deviantart.com/spyrothefox]Spyrothefox[/url] cover by [url=https://www.deviantart.com/magnaluna/art/Friendship-is-eternal-700920194]magnaluna[/url]