Republic Day Special, Use REPUBLIC71 and Get Upto Rs.71 Cashback spin on Adding of Rs.1000 daily.
Use REPUBLIC71 code has to be applied to avail cashback spin is valid on UPI Transaction.
The coupon is valid for daily first transaction per Member/Mobile/Device on Cubber Android & IOS App.
Customer will get cashback spin within 24 hour of successful transaction. Customer have to rotate this spin to get cashback benefits.
Offer valid from 16th Jan 00:01 AM to 26th Jan 12:00 PM on Cubber Android & IOS App.
Offer Not Valid on Credit/Debit card, Prepaid Card, Virtual Card, Net banking, Wallets, PayPal Transactions.
Cubber reserve the right to end/modify any or all offers at our discretion without any prior notice.
We reserve the right to restrict cashback/Block account for suspicious behavior or invalid details/credentials. Also we has the right to ask for documents to prove his/her identity for any account.
If Cubber found, any user create accounts with same device/by clone application then his/her account will block permanent with any prior notice.
For all other queries please email or call on 0261-7123456.