Khalil-Ghibran Presents: Joy Without A Mortal Care As If Young, or the "Purple Book", RECIPES AND PROCESSES OF IMMINENT FAME AND FORTUNE-PRESENTED IN 2 BOOKS .
Joy Without A Mortal Care As If Young marks a turning point in the evolution of Khalil-Ghibran's heavily metaphorical, apocalyptic style of poetry. Continuing the ancient tradition of veiling secrets of the natural sciences underneath emotionally engaging and tangled verses, Khalil-Ghibran settles for more direct yet equally vibrant transmission throughout the project.
From such titles as 'Of Cures Unforeseen', which foreshadows a time of miraculous potency of the burning liquor to come, to 'Bliss Without Further Wonders' that expands the immaculate joys of youthful vigor under the effects of this potion, Joy Without A Mortal Care As If Young is sure to bring delight as well as mystify the anxious reader searching for answers.