Genre: Fan fiction, Boy's Love Settings: China Synopsis: Wang Yibo is an heir of a leading big corporation in the country and was known as a cold hearted guy who never displayed his own emotions in public. Xiao Zhan on the other hand is a countryside geek who's trying to make a living in a big city and work as a delivery man to support his sick grandmother. It was a twist of fate that the ordinary working day became extraordinary when Xiao Zhan came to deliver a package in Wang Yibo's condominium. And without his knowing, that day will be the start of the Little Prince's adventure of falling deeply in'love with that one Lonely Star. AUTHOR'S NOTE: A parallel universe AU where Bodi and Zhan Ge led a completely different life. ~Guys, I'm not from China and English is not my first language... Just in case I have some incorrect word or information, please let me know... I'll be very open-minded about that. Thanks!