Call them what you will: an alien; an ET; an otherworldly. I will always call them by what I came to experience in their presence: Fear. I was the first, the original that made contact with them. They came down in a fiery descend like a hateful angel, no prier knowledge to this world. They became an infection; altering and moulding this life as they saw fit. They took me by the collar and forced me along, as hostage or company I do not know. They took my heart and shattered it and built it up in a different image, playing me for some sort of primitive ape. They made me something else, made me experience things I did not think humans had the capacity of. They made me feel paralyzed in their shadow. They caused anxiety and a forceful love in every fibre of my body. They walked upon this Earth and they left only one proof of their existence: me. I had experienced the Traveller Effect. And survived.