When an ordinary teenage girl who has a life full of hatred towards everything and doesnt appreciate the love from others around her, goes to school and hears news about a huge plane crash on a building that her parents were at for the week, she immedietly arrived to an airport with her sister and flies to the city of the crash and finds out more information. Then she concludes that she and her sister were the only remaining people of the family left. Later she reveals that there were a few survivors left and out of those, there were 5 boys of the band One Direction who had lost their security guards, manager, hair/clothes artist, and even their "babysitter" Paul. They were completely lost and had to get to LA so the girl offered the boys to come live with her for awhile. As much as she hated One Direction, she felt she needed more company in her house to settle everybody's emotion with the disastrous event. Soon enough, she was singing her heart away with the boys and has a great time but later, she becomes really close to the boys as friends, but more than one of the boys LOVE her... MAIN CHARACTERS: Alyssa Mateo Nicole Mateo Katie Tullings Erica Ferro Sheridan Kory Louis Tomlinson Harry Styles Liam Payne Niall Horan Zayn Malik