????: "Eostia; a land at war for nearly 500 years now. The armies of Garan, led by Olga Discordia, waging war against the Seven Shield Alliance, led by Celestine Lucross. Many hardships endured; deaths on both sides were numerous, as the Dark Queen would not falter. But the Alliance had one last hope;... and it is with this revelation I see...."
A pale women's face appears through the shadows, her black hair waving behind her, as her green eyes glimmer.
????: ".... that the world of Eostia... is Ending."
She says, before disappearing again, but her voice still lingers
????: "Celestine would seek the aid of a renowned mercenary band, known as the Black Dogs, led by a man named Volt."
We see a tan man in armor and mercenary clothing, holding a broad sword on his shoulder, the Black Dog leader, Volt; and behind him, his men, all smirking
????: "But Volt has other plans....... Believing it his right to get what he deserves, he would defeat the Dark Queen, and make her his first example of what he envisions....... a world filled with women serving men for whatever needs they desire. Should this occur, Eostia would falter..... but there is hope, a hope that would come from another world, and from a being that none would expect."
A masculine voice can now be heard
????: "I had a family once........
????: "A wife..........
????: "A son..........
????: "And I buried them, along with everyone I knew......
????(female voice from earlier): "This man, was a man banished from death, cast adrift between the worlds of light and dark, gaining new allies, and being betrayed by old ones. This was the hollow man of Mordor, the defying Nazgûl, the Gravewalker. This.... was Talion, the ranger of the Black Gate; the Bright Lord of Mordor."
(A/N: I own nothing of Shadow of War, or Kuroinu; all respective arts, songs, and properties belong to their original owners and creators.)
Do you ever feel like you were born into the wrong world?
Because that is exactly how Elodie Penvensie felt. Her twin brother Peter, and the rest of her younger siblings never understood her. In fact, they used to distance themselves from her quite a bit, seeing as Elodie's nose was always in a book, dreaming about the fantastical worlds she wished she was born into.
And sometimes, wishes come true.
Elodie's did when her youngest sister, Lucy, found herself walking through the wardrobe and into a land covered in snow. And for a moment, her life was perfect. It was everything she could've ever wanted. But all good moments must come to an end as they accidentally left the magical kingdom of Narnia.
But when they're finally summoned back to face an army by the likes of which they'd never seen before, Aslan's words ring true. Nothing happens the same way twice.
Because this time, they're given aid by Prince Caspian, the Tenth. And Elodie has never met someone so similar to her and yet so different in her entire lifetime, both in and outside of Narnia.
So join Elodie on the adventure of a lifetime. Join her in Narnia, because Narnia has missed their High Queen.
#1 in chroniclesofnarnia
#3 in reepicheep
#9 in eustace
#9 in whitewitch
#10 in thelionthewitchandthewardrobe
#12 in princecaspian
#22 in lucypenvensie
#30 in peterpenvensie
#36 in edmundpenvensie
#42 in narnia
(Prince Caspian - Voyage of the Dawn Treader)
(Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or plotlines. I only own Elodie and any original scenes and dialogue I've written)
(A/N: Not one of my better descriptions but I promise the story is better than I make it sound. Please don't plagiarise it in any way and I hope you enjoy it)