Two Twins, known for causing death and slaughter around the City of Lixidrian, they use to work only in their duo, known as the Terror Twins, however they soon meet a Unknown Hacker who has plagued Major cities and brought them down leaving only one trace with each of their destructions, The words "Game Over"
Two Twins, known for causing the end of major cases around the City of Lixidrian also known as the Mystery twins, soon find out about the Unknown Hacker that has plagued Major Cities use whatever they can to try and track him down as well as the duo always have threatened and tried to track down; The Terror Twins
But little did they know that they were one and the same.
Mythical Creatures are rarely come across, and many try and use their powers to gain control of major cities. The most major of the cities; The City of Lixidrian. It's basically like Hollywood, Los Vegas, Paris, Tokyo; Ect. Mixed into one. You're most likely to find these creatures here along with major criminals or super villians and such. But as said; not many magical creatures/mythical creatures so not a bunch of super villians.