Discontinued. I wrote this ages ago. It's terrible but feel free to read it if you like. -- Teaser thing -- The crescent moon smiled as it shone down over a small isolated house as the windows lightly lit the inside, where a small girl sat on the carpeted floor. Her teary eyes looked at her younger sister as she spoke, "Hikari, I'm scared." Her hushed voice filling the quiet room. "Don't worry, I'll protect you Tsu." The girl smiled at her sister. I need to protect her. Notes: - This is my first fanfic I have ever written more than 4 lines in and posted. - If there is anything I could improve please tell me in the comments and I will try to, thank chu. - I may rarely upload on this story, so beware. - There will be no lemon but maybe minor fluff here and there - Sorry in advance for spelling mistakesAll Rights Reserved