I've always loved to write, but I've never really been good at writing stories. Cohesive bits of art, that interweave and intertwine into a eloquent Methodical dance, which then coalesces in the back trails of your mind. I guess that's just not my thing. Your probably asking yourself why im here. What I'm trying to do or get across here. Well honestly I've been talking to the air for years now. I write messeges and poems, songs and desires, greaveces and even the odd plea for help in the note app on my phone. I want this to be way more than wizards and goblins, but done worry this isn't gonna be a Auto-Biography. I want this to be a deep delve into my mind. My understanding of reality and truth of the world around us. My place and cosmic disbelief of the catastrufy that is my life. And the end of what could honestly only be my ideals, or maybe the beginning of what being human really is. So I welcome you To Where I've Been and everywhere beyond.