Plot: Believing all biological life must be purged, Ultron and Sigma forge an alliance. Using the Reality and Space Stones, they fuse themselves into a single being named "Ultron Sigma", and merge the worlds of Marvel and Capcom into a single dimension, which they seek to rule by unleashing a cybernetic virus that puts others their control, including a few new modifications. Then, before they make it, Ultron Sigma went to another dimension of Mortal Kombat and DC Universe and met the fusion of Shao Khan and Darkseid named "Dark Khan", and formed an alliance to stop the Heroes. As a result, the heroes of both worlds must band together to retrieve the remaining four Infinity Stones with the now-captured Thanos' help, and defeat both Ultron Sigma, Dark Khan, their forces and another deadly group of villains led by Jedah Dohma, who wish to unleash terror on the merged world using the power of the Symbiotes. (A/N: The Picture has been updated.)
11 parts