Ninety years after the events of Lord of the Rings: Bilbo, Frodo, and Gandalf are living peacefully in the Undying Lands, but the world of Middle Earth is falling to ruins. A new evil has arisen in the realm of Arnor, bringing a new threat of destruction to the world.
Eighty-seven year old Arrowen, daughter of Aragorn, has lived in Gondor all her life. She is reckless, young, and, most importantly, brave. She dashes across Midde Earth after orcs and other beasts, never taking long enough to formulate a plan, and is often found to be in trouble with her father.
Then, there is Argorn, son of Aragorn and the twin brother of Arrowen. Argorn is Arrowen's best friend, aside from Legolas, and they do everything together. Well, almost everything. Argorn is thoughtful, wise, and, like his sister, brave. Next in line for the throne, but Argorn finds himself living in the shadow of his father, the greatest king Middle Earth has ever seen.
With a new evil threatening to unstablize the peace that has been established, the remainder of the fellowship will do whatever it takes to restore order. When they discover the need to go to the Undying Lands and bring back Frodo and Gandalf, who will volunteer? For the journey is long, and there is no grantee of ever returning. And, when a second Ring of power is discovered, who will take it? Will Frodo bear the second Ring across Middle Earth to be destroyed? Or will a new Ring Bearer arise?
Join Arrowen and Argorn as they fight to save their world in this fantastic sequel to JRR Tolkien's trilogy the Lord of the Rings.