Gas Station Food and Slushies
7 parts Ongoing Elise, a sixteen-year-old girl, is tasked with learning what her new normal is after her father's death. Her mother packs her and her brother up in an attempt to create a new normal. As they pull into a new town, Elsie's mother decides to get gas before they make it to their new house. This one-stop will change everything and become the sole reason she's alive. Elise struggles with anxiety and depression, and it only seems to get worse. As her family gets better, she feels stuck and eventually feels no longer needed. Elise wishes to be with her dad.
Levi, a young boy, watches as a beautiful girl enters the gas station where he works. He takes notice of her glossy eyes and sad expression as he rings up her items. Even though he tries his best to stay out of other people's business, he feels a sense of understanding and familiarity from just looking at her. Levi, who is known for his tough demeanor, suddenly "goes soft" for the new girl.