This is a Fanfiction Story Based on Star vs The Forces of Evil (for short SVTFOE) originally created by Daron Nefcy where I create a new chapter of there life where Magic didn't Exist................or is it?Find out on this FanFic Story together with Star and Marco and there Friends as they go lots of adventures and encountered some Ancient People who use the 3 Primary Universal Force and specially the BLOOD MOON CURSE............ The Picture is Hard Edit as I Edit Every picture to make it something new it took me 3 hours and I think it's Okay to me 😅😅😅 anyways Here's the Description of i used the Pictures :::::CREDITS::::: Retta'kka in Boboiboy Movie 2 Poster -Credits to the Monsta and support there shows I always love watching Boboiboy shows and now it's epic #ANewEra Boboibot Upgrade -Credits to rizalramdan95 and support his creations Starco as Kirito and Asuna Picture -Credits to lovefromjackie and support his creations and this picture is perfect for this FanFic Story Picture of Star and Marco Sweet gazing in the Sky -Credits to the person who screenshot or make this picture I don't know who is the person who screenshot or make this picture but it's pretty romantic I think anyways support the person and I don't know where he/she create something in other website if you know what I person.😊😊😊All Rights Reserved