Charting the Stars - Dinluke AU
12 części Opowieść Zakończona Dla dorosłychAn AU where Darth Vader found out he had a son, intercepted Obi-Wan on his way to Tatooine, and took Luke. To keep him safe from the Emperor, he hid him away on Arvala-7, where years later Din Djarin would land to collect a bounty on a 50-year-old child. Having never seen the galaxy except for what was visible from his singular window, Luke decides to go with the Mandalorian when he leaves.
Specific story warnings at the beginnings of each chapter, but the biggest one is an ongoing theme of overcoming child abuse (though it is not explicit and not talked about often past the first couple of chapters) so I would like to share some resources:
Abuse of any kind is never okay. For help with child abuse, please contact your local CPS hotline, or speak out to mandated reporters like teachers and doctors. They can help you and will keep you safe. If you suspect a child you know is being abused, contact CPS and do not attempt to handle the situation yourself unless it is an immediate emergency, in which case call 911 or your local emergency line. For help with domestic abuse, contact the domestic violence hotline. In America, this number is 800-799-7233 and they are available through both call and text in English and Spanish and have interpreters for over 200 other languages. Never hesitate to ask for help and leave a situation that is unsafe for you and your family. If you suspect that someone is being abused, you can try to encourage them to seek help, but sometimes it is better to just call help for them. It is always better to be safe than sorry.
Originally posted on ao3 under Mari_Novak