In a land where magic is taboo, Gideon lives in a continent size forest known as the Vale. He is a witch living the easy life, until one day an evil force seeks his aid. His once lazy existence is sent spiraling when his one and only friend brings two strangers seeking safe passage through the treacherous forest.
He reluctantly leads them through the forest, and finds out the strangers are more than what they seem. Gideon is unwittingly thrown into an all out war between his fellow witches, and the kingdom that slaughtered his family. With love on the line, and an army of scarecrows at his command, who will Gideon fight for, but more importantly when will he ever have time to nap again? Find out in the first installment of The King of the Vale.
With language barriers, moral, and cultural differences, prejudices, danger, magic, betrayal, love, Hate, secrets, mass murdering psychopaths, and a decision that will shock you, this is just the beginning.
"For All That It Brightens, Love Casts Dark Shadows."
After destroying a deadly curse that rotted Valkri and kept all of the world in hiding for forty years, Nadia a fae and creator of Valkri, is sent to live in Dragons Mountain away from Court. In order to strike an alliance of peace between both surviving lands the Dragon Lord and Nadia must coincide.
Danger hasn't been avoided but only increased, Nadia will always have a target on her back and even love cant protect her from betrayal.
The deadliest war is coming and death is rising from the grave. The only way to win is to band together against a cursed evil that will test Valkri and its peoples heart.
*Second book in the Valkri Trilogy, you do not need to read the first in order to read the second* first book is called "picking petals."