A Lethal virus has corrupted Japan. Leading to U.A. shutting down school. All students must stay at the dormitories until the virus has been perished. What is this virus you may ask? Having no known name, this virus has already killed many. Currently making it the most lethal virus around. The syptoms include extreme (and often chronic) headaches, body aches, and episodes of fainting. The most distinguishable symptom of the disease is radioactice green lines appearing on the skin startinf from around the mouth. The virus is treatable up until lines make themself present. Once the lines have begin, death is inevitable. The symptoms never go away. Only getting worse and worse until death. What happens when Izuku Midoriya contracts this extremely lethal virus? Will he seek help? Or will he accept his fate? Not sure how many chapter this book will be. It will be a somewhat short story. (Cover Edit by Me)All Rights Reserved