I'm Lucy Dempsey. I'm nineteen soon to be twenty and I'm the daughter of actor Patrick Dempsey. I have a younger sister named Tallulah I have twin younger brothers named Sullivan and Darby. I'm not like most girls I love motorcycles dirt bikes ATV's I love skateboards boosted skateboards scooters and roller blades. I also live MMA I take kick boxing lessons and self defence classes. I love animals I have two dogs there both purebred huskies there names are Stark and Pepper I have a horse named Hades he's a thoroughbred stallion. I have a boyfriend his name is Robert Downey Jr and he's the love of my life people said that we wouldn't last and that he would cheat on me the first chance he got that was two years ago and our relationship is stronger than ever. Robert's been away recently filming a new avengers movie I miss him a lot yeah we talk text and facetime everyday but it's not the same as talking face to face with him. So what happens when it's Halloween I'm at school I dress up as Iron Man my friend has my guitar with her and the school is doing a seniors show I'm performing a song that was playing on my first date with Robert so it has a lot of meaning and a special place in my heart it's rewrite the stars from the greatest showman and he surprises me by returning home.All Rights Reserved