"There's much more to my story
Than anybody's guessed;
Just find me a Pensieve
And my past will do the rest.
If I ever had the right
To be afraid, it was lost
Long before I knew
What fear really was."
Author's Note: By Firelight is a Harry Potter fanwork, crafted over more than a decade by Rebecca Ripple, from 2006 to the present. The first spark of By Firelight was first ignited and inspired by ReignofSlytherin's HP fanfiction, "Deliver Me From Evil," whose author later wiped all traces of it from the internet without explanation sometime after I started writing this story. I truly miss DMFE, and its author, whom I haven't heard from in many years... To this day, my memory of them still shapes my writing of this story.
Disclaimer: The Harry Potter franchise and all related indicia are the intellectual property of J. K. Rowling and Warner Bros Entertainment. No money or other currency of any kind is being made with this fanwork, and no copyright infringement is intended.