Based on the Netflix Original Series The Chilling Adventure of Sabrina, this story follows Cassie MorningStar a young witch who on her 16th birthday discovers that's she is the daughter of the devil himself. But the devil is sick and getting weaker and weaker with every passing day. And as he gets weaker Hell is falling apart. Because of this Cassie now has to move to Hell and take her rightful place on the throne as Queen of Hell. But Caliban Prince of Hell wants to claim the throne for himself, and he has all the disciples of Hell on his side. For who would believe that a 16 year old half mortal girl could be the Queen? Because of the conflict the three kings send them on a mission to recover the 9 most unholy objects of Hell. Who ever can collect the most of the items will win the crown. Now, Cassie had expected that the challenge would be hard, but she hadn't expected to fall for the enemy.