Chapter 1:starting
Last time before 2014 started,instagram is very popular at these days while 2013 remains. I have seen that my mother
Has instagram and she always
Use her phone to login her instagram
Then i have never get the chance
To use her phone.when she got home,
I found out she took a few pictures of
Her and posted it instagram
Then i try to create one account in
Instagram...i was very exited at that day
But you know sometimes when
You created account in instagram and
You don't have followers,that makes you
Really bored of your life,but when 2014
Passed,i can't believe that i was holding
My mother's phone and my instagram
Was opened then i fell in love
With it and i took few a pictures that
Is very emo.
And 3 months later i have 44 followers
Until it came higher and higher.
So my life remained popular
Because of instagram,it will
Make my life for the better.
-author vincent lorenzo palencia