Hey there everybody! Are you a theatre kid? Let's see!
When you're home alone, do you sing every Broadway song to every musical you know? Do you dance while singing said musicals? Is your ideal date night seeing a show on broadway? Are you in a theatre program as an Actor/Actress, Stage Manager, Techie, or Pit Kid? Do you wish you were? Do you collect Playbills in a shoe box and guard that shoe box with your life? Do you try and make all your friends listen to musical soundtrack? Do you scour YouTube for Bootlegs of your favorite Broadway shows and musicals? Do you have a dream role? Do you want to make it to Broadway? Do you have more showtunes and soundtracks on your spotify than regular songs? Do you live your life in musical references? Do you randomly burst into song? Is your phone wallpaper and/or lock screen musical related?
If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, and let's be honest, you probably did, this book is for you! Even if you just like listening to songs from soundtracks, or you're just bored, this book is still for you!
It's where I will talk about things like shows I'm going to see, current, future, and past shows I'm in or have been in, memes, problems, and just theatre stuff in general. Hope you enjoy this book!