Nimue Pendragon, daughter of Arthur and Gwen, and Avalon Le Fay, daughter of Merlin and Morgana, had always been thick as thieves, and had always been ready to declare war on Auradon. Ever since the formation of the Isle, King Adam and the Fairy Godmother had been insisting that Morgana was still a villain, and therefore belonged on the Isle, and once Avalon was born, she agreed-so long as her daughter could stay in Camelot. When Arthur was killed barely a year later, Merlin and Gwen partnered up to raise their daughters and run a kingdom, until the girls would be old enough to do so themselves.
Of course Auradon never trusted the one kingdom that refused to unite, and insisted that the girls be sent to Auradon prep, and so they went-reluctant as could be. Everything was fine, mostly-the other princesses looked down on Nimue's love of swordfighting, and Avalon was never seen as anything but a villain kid, but they still had each other. They could tolerate it all, biding their time.
But at sixteen years of age, everything they'd ever planned gets thrown for a loop when it's declared that four children from the Isle would be moving to Auradon