Infinite DC: The Adventures of Captain Knutz
6 parts Complete Growing up, Neas idolized their favorite TV show hero, a kooky pirate captain named "Captain Knutz". Their sense of adventure spawned from watching Knutz on his legendary travels, discovering mystic islands and finding a number of haunting, harrowing villains. Alas, those adventures were merely fictional...until Neas's thirteenth incarnation, Kara, discovers a dimension within the Infinite DC where the world of Captain Knutz is 100% real. But that may not be the good news that it's all cracked up to be for Kara, Craig, and Mireya (the Seventh Tinkerer). Not after evil forces plague the whimsical world Kara grew to love in her childhood. With the help of her hero and his misfit crew, she'll have one high-seas adventure she won't soon forget.