Synopsis This story takes place during the late 21st century while the planet is under complete turmoil after massive worldwide disasters. Even the military are more desperate, as standards are lowered. Dear reader, I will apply more pictures in the future. Most pictures were drawn over a year ago and new ones need to be drawn. Also, the story is already complete, Wattpad is a way to break it down. I'm just filling in the holes of the story while gaining more ideas. Roy and Tyra are the series main protagonist. They were best friends in the past before Roy left. The larger characters eventually meet each other and destinies will unfold. Everyone will eventually play their role in the final showdown against the series main antagonist, Col Urz. Roy is secretly the infamous Weird Killer. He is guided by his "Guardian", Rainbow. She tells Roy who is Weird and he must kill them in a way where he is not detected by other people. Rainbow is shrouded in mystery but has a huge deal to do with Weird. The rest of the characters have important roles not dealing directly with Weird. The setting takes place during their military careers. Tyra doesn't talk about the fact she was born with HIV. Her limitless motivation leads her to her ultimate mission when she meets the Colonel. Chris's story is mostly memories until everyone's else story catch up to the present day. His military was great until he ditched when his life changed terribly after working for the Colonel. Dwayne's story is fluctuated as his position in the military is beyond Top Secret. He is a link between characters' time frame. He is ultimately the one to lead the team in the final missions. When the world's consciousness shifts and Weird goes on, Roy begins to ask Rainbow the overall question of Weird. When that day comes, Roy will learn the hard way of "What Weird Is..."All Rights Reserved