Shift follows the story of a young woman named Laurel living in a village with its social structure still intact nearly five hundred years after the war and subsequent virus outbreak that nearly wiped human existence off of the earth. Humans are beginning to claw their way back to the top and the power that they lord over the super-race of beings known as the Shifted is the push they need to do that. The Shifted, genetically superior to humans and created to serve man in the twenty-first century are kept far away from the remnants of human civilization in what used to be Canada, under cover of thick, uninhabited forests. Laurel has recently Shifted and tries her best to outsmart and evade the Keepers--instruments of the corrupt government group known as The Dominion--but eventually finds herself among her own kind in a heavily guarded northern facility to learn more about what she's become and what it means for both the human race and the Shifted. As if it weren't enough to be treated as subservient to the human race, an ancient power has recently made its presence known and it's fallen into Laurel's hands to deal with when nobody takes her seriously or believes the grave danger that they are in. The question isn't really a thing of being able to save the human race--the question is if she cares enough to do so; Laurel Greenwood is not the hero they're looking for but for the time being she's all they've got. These are the "new dark ages", and there is no neutral ground; you fight or you die.All Rights Reserved
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