Background story:
In xaviariana ( pronounced x-ave-e-ar-e-ana) is a whole different world of things called Lylans ( lie-lan-s)
Lylans are the mixed breed of vampires and werewolfs. Those who are born Lylan can inherent either werewolf or vampire. They are all born stronger then average vampires or were wolfs and they all have a different unique power. They royals are named after gods and the name of the god that they get are born very similar to that god.
Athena was the oldest and was un loved because un like her parents she was born more of the werewolf side.
They did not no her power for only she would know because she was the off spring in the family the weak one. But all her siblings where loved and she hated them for it.
Athena was a werewolf and had the ability to use the strength of the earth to do in human things like fly by pushing myself of the ground and taking the strength it lended her to fight.
Find out what happens to her and her 'family' in this book Lylans