14 parts Ongoing This story is about an 18 year old girl , who considers herself as the most unluckiest being on the earth and NO its not because she lost her family, cause she has a beautiful family and NO she hasn't really faced any financial hardships cause even though her family doesn't really have good old money, Her father owns a small profitable business which is decent enough for their family needs.Then why does she does she call herself unlucky? Simple, Its because she doesn't get anything she wants.If she desires for an apple, she gets a coconut. From her favourite pen to her desired rank to her longest crush to anything. The range is endless and the experiences are innumerable.She claims that if she very much desires for something, she sure as hell wouldn't get it.She know it and she accepted it long time ago.She got used to it.She even stopped caring about it.She even jokes about her unluckiness.
But, She has something special about her just like everyone else has something special in them.She has boundaries and she is binded by them. She has rules and she sticks to them. She cares more about her friends than her family."She has the best of best friends in the whole world." She quotes.Her rule no.1," Don't judge a friend."She loves her friends a lot, She feels her friends a the lucky charms of her unlucky life.....
Until it all turned upside down in a year.
In one year,
Everything she believed turned wrong.Every bounday of hers collapsed. Every friend of her left her.Soon she saw herself breaking her rules.
In that one unfortunate year when she got diagnosed with cancer, Her unlucky but beautiful life turned to a war,Did she survive it? Her friends who should be by her side through this war, suddenly turned to opposition's army.
This journey of her unlucky life teaches you lessons for a lifetime, continue to get to know this unlucky girl.