This is a ROLEPLAY LOG! Not a book for roleplay!!! This is going to be listing responses from me and 1 other person and it will be primarily Highschool based! It is a Highschool!Soulmate!AU for Thomas Sanders! It consists of me, Tempa, and my roleplay partner, Stormy! If you would like to know, this is also the kind of soulmate universe where markings on the body would show up on others! But Logan is an oblivious ass and hasn't looked at the doodles that would appear on his arm after VIRGIL FREAKIN DREW ON- **Ahem** Sorry. Now, Virgil has a somewhat tarnished reputation because he's got a temper. He would skip classes, he would get into fights, he would also smoke on school grounds. Logan is tasked with monitoring him and showing him around as he is student body president. Logan is also prone to headaches and tiredness because of how much he is worked up. Let's see how this goes shall we? uwuAll Rights Reserved