Featuring: "Oh yeah, I'm ready!" -Wally Mario "What are we waiting for? Let's go!" -Madison Mario "Time for adventure!" -Charlie Digi-Dreemurr "I'm ready to begin!" -Jasmine Digi-Dreemurr "I-I may not be ready, but if-if I wait, I never will be. L-let's do this!" -Nolan Digi-Dreemurr "Alright, let's go!" -Tryston Digi-Dreemurr "Time to go- no time to waste!" -Austin Digi-Dreemurr "We are... the Multi-Verse Kids!" Join the Multi-Verse kids as they traverse various video game and television worlds. Everything from Mario, to Zelda, to Undertale, to Digimon, to even Glitter Force and Naruto! They take on stories and adventures all on their own- when the Multi-Verse Kids get together, they are even more powerful than even Raechel and Puppymon!