This is an "Inch of Infinity" Oneshot. You don't have to read either in a particular order or even at all but its the same universe so it might make more sense if you read An Inch of Infinity first.
Jesse Rivoily thinks his life is perfect. He has kind, loving parents. He lives with lots of people. He never lost a family member. World War lll has never happened. He doesn't live alone in a sewer. All of this is a lie.
In the near future the entire world is conquered by a group of people known as Royalties, or the Royals for short. They declared war on the planet. If you were not with them, you were against them. by the end of the 21st century the world was utter chaos and anyone who did not follow the laws to the letter were taken away by the Keepers. Part ninja, part spy, part soldier, the Keepers were brainwashed citizens raised from 8 months old to be able to apprehend anyone. Only 87% made it through training.
The population was cut into 6 groups, one for each block, each the size of a continent.The blocks were numbered in the order that they were conquered. Antarctica is #1, South America is #2 , Asia is #3, Africa is #4, Europe is #5 and North America is #6. Australia was bombed out of existence to make a point and the majority of the world lived in fear of being made an example for others, and the keepers didn't make it easy.
Its been 6 years and now he is used to living alone. This is only a few days in a lifetime of running, hiding and terror.