Knight: Knight Flynn is created for one sole purpose in life. He is designed to give dreams to a child whose imagination is beyond what most can comprehend. It only takes moment after meeting the young Coleen Cody, in his dreams, for him to break all the rules that he once stood for. Knight becomes a thief during the day and a confidant during the night. "I only stole from queens. I took my nighttime queen's kind words. And my daytime queen's jewels." Can he save Coleen from the poor choices drowning him alive? Coleen: Coleen Cody is an orphan girl who dreams of her family. Little did she know she would instead see a boy in clunky armor arriving in her imaginary castle. Her whole life changes as her dream of being queen turns into having her new family be her knight in shining armor. "Knight made the sun shine brighter on a little orphan's life." Can she live her dream or will fates design destroy the future she planned?All Rights Reserved