This story is only appropriate for humans of age 13 or older.
One of the original works this was based off of is rated mature. This story CAN be read with no knowledge of said original work. Please consult the bottom of the description for further information before reading.
The gods have, for once, admitted they are anxious about something, though indirectly.
They've decided, for some unknown reason, to send 5 demigods to Tokyo, of all places, for some unknown quest, without a prophecy.
Then, strange occurrences happen, of people's hearts suddenly changing.
What will the chosen heroes do?
This is a Persona 5 and Riordanverse crossover.
It takes place in a universe where Trials of Apollo didn't happen because we still don't know the conclusion as of me writing this also I want Jason to live :)
This can be read without any knowledge of Persona 5, though there will possibly be some gaps in the story due to certain things mentioned below.
Btw for the P5 Protagonist, I'm using Ren Kurusu so that everyone's happy.
I am going to refrain from marking this story as mature, because I'm hoping it won't have to be, despite the fact Persona 5 is rated mature, but please let me know if you think I should, and please provide the reason why! Thank you!~
In order to maintain a non-mature rating, I will be glossing over the entirety of the first Palace, aspects of Shiho's story, and several other things. They will, for the most part, still have happend, I just will not be going into depth regarding them. This may at times, render certain parts difficult to understand. Certain parts past Palace 1 may just simply be changed or tweaked in order to conform to the non-mature rating. Please respect any decisions I feel were necessary. Cursing will only be partially censored. If you want the uncensored and unglossed version of the story, watch or play the game. Thank you!~
"You do know how to eat a burger, right?"
Summer rolled her eyes, looking up at him with feigned exasperation. "Of course I do," she retorted, then lowered her voice as she leaned in, her expression shifting to one of genuine concern. "Do you think they have a fork and knife? So I can, you know... cut it?"
Robby Keene x fem!oc
cobra kai season 3-6