The Realm of Ishryle
  • Membaca 70
  • Suara 0
  • Bagian 4
  • Durasi 3h 7m
  • Membaca 70
  • Suara 0
  • Bagian 4
  • Durasi 3h 7m
Sedang dalam proses, Awal publikasi Sep 15, 2012
As Malon Fellows starts into life as a new sixteen year-old and her fantasies of being something more than just an average teenager start to die down, she soon comes to the realization that maybe her fantasies weren't so far off. After being chased and almost attacked one night by men in dark cloaks when she was walking home from school and then being saved by a mysterious boy with a strange name, Malon's world is quickly becoming more and more out of the ordinary. Join her, her best friend, Heron, and Gavoue as they embark on a journey to the land of Ishryle and discover that Malon's past is not quite as simple as they thought, and her future is getting more and more tangled with every passing minute.
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