In 2022, humanity as finally managed to make a jump in technology, producing a new product capable of sending the user through many different worlds, allowing the user to virtually live their fantasies. This is known as the Nerve Gear, a helmet that connects with the user's nerves and sends them into a deep sleep, while the consciousness of the user is sent into a world of wonder and the unthinkable.
Sword Art Online is the first of these worlds, the user being sent into a world of medieval swords, axes, daggers, bows, practically anything you can thing of. The focus of the game was to use this particular weaponry to slay virtually generated monsters and rise through one hundred levels, a boss at the end if each one.
This story follows a young man who sees this machine as a simple piece of technology made for those who seek to corrupt and destroy the world they live in, by using the thing when people are most vulnerable, only to discover this machine is not like anything he's seen before. However, this young man is not so normal himself...