Sahara is thrown for a major loop when her husband leaves her for her scheming cousin, Wanda. Inexperienced in the ways of dating, she doesn't know what to do with herself or how to get on with her life.
When she finally begins to come out of her shell, she begins making up for lost time. Pretty soon, she becomes a little TOO carefree, and her child and business begin taking a backseat to her new social life. And her ex-husband becomes too consumed with who she's spending time with, to Wanda's dismay.
After a while, Sahara has to be yanked back to reality and come to some realizations about herself. Maybe what she thought she wanted isn't necessarily what she needed...
Vivian Benjamin you are a rare gem. I don't know what is keeping you back but keep fighting honey you will win one day.
this story is dedicated to my sister and every Nigerian out there. we can't kill ourselves ooo but we will keep pushing because we are hustlers.
this is an African non-fictional novel where a young girl describes all the sufferings her mother and siblings encountered in their fathers house.
marriage supposed to be a Union not a bondage. a place of peace, where home is created not where slaves are been made.
Ada watched as her mother went through hell in fear of being called a divorced. she experienced the raw phase of African heritage been biased on female children.
the annoying hell broke loose when they all grew up and their mother woke up from slumber and broke the yoke of bondage, assault and abuse and took a walk for once for herself. she didn't let anything hold her back.