Quinn is has been deaf since she was six years old. When she was three, she got a horrible case of meningitis, which made her go deaf. Ever since then, Quinn has been trying her best to be as normal as possible in her high school, McAurthur.
Then there's Oliver. The quiet kid that sits in the back of Quinn's biology class. He's always sneaking glances at her. He has to admit, he wonders about her, she makes him curious to discover her secrets and every part of her.
When Oliver sticks up to Quinn when she's being bullied, they suddenly click. They end up having more in common than either of them thought.
نامه هایی برای تو.
بعد از خوندن هر نامه اون رو توی جعبه کمک های اولیه قرار بدین تا در صورت نیاز مثل چسب زخم ازش استفاده کنید.
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