This is the first Non-canon epic story of Encantadia that revolves around the true story of South Lirean Sang'gre Hadasseh, often called as a "Phoenix Princess" of Ashena-ve during the reign of Hara Alena. Hadasseh was accompanied by the three Sang'gres of Lireo-Pirena, Alena, and Danaya. She was also the current Sang'gre and the Guardian-to-be of the fifth gem. She was prophecized by Assad, Cassiopea's adopted son to defeat Arsia, eldest sister of Habagat and daughter of Mine-a's sister who supported Adhara and successfully seized the throne from Sang'gre Alena, but not the crown of Hadasseh's aunt Lúne-a. Aside from Arsia, there was another enigmatic figure who change the lives of Encantados. From the Queendom which was made of ice, ruled by a Kerah (Mine-a-vean word for Queen) who made a secret plan for the Sang'gres. Edit: I changed the entirety of the story due to grammatical and typographical errors shown three years ago and I got bored for that. It is not only a fanfic themed, but also a Non-canonical work I made today. Everything has changed, seriously.