16 Instagrammers join a group on DM which is called Bulletgrams, when suddenly their Instagrams crashed and they suddenly are kidnapped ( very fucking stupid idea I know ). Not remembering anything about Instagram or their kidnapping, they wake up in... Instagram?! I shit you not, the app has been turned into an academy, called Instacademy ( cue @k.omaeda laughing in the background ) with Monoleska, also known as @komgayda, as the wicked headmaster of this hell!? Aw shit nigga, my non-existent balls can not be any blue-er right now. You have your main protagonist, @_.monolapiz._, this sexy beast writing the story, an ordinary Instagrammer, who is stuck with a bunch of others from the community, in this phenomenal game of Kill Or Be Killed, like that one fish game, I don't fucking know.