The ordinary life of a girl ransacked by a sudden outbreak of a mass gun-shooting in school. It was the year of my national examinations. The examination which everyone never fails to talk about - O levels. Is it really that important? It has never really been the case for me. The examination of my last paper was about to end in a minute's time, until I heard the loud crunching of the gravel beyond the wooden door behind me. Heavy and thunderous footsteps - exactly like the coming of the antagonist in those action-film movies. It's much worse for it to occur in real life. It never stopped and never paused. It only had gotten louder and perceptible as it neared, approaching the entrance of the hall behind. A sense of trepidation and alarm instantly filled me. Could it be...? This isn't what I think would happen. I fidgeted in my seat and looked wildly around at the students. Stressed out pupils,frantically flipping the paper for any wrong errors. How could no one notice?All Rights Reserved