In the near future a miner finds a mineral and brings it into a facility, they study the mineral and it has the potential to have new life. They study it for about six months and then decide for some human interaction testing. The subject they called in was called Xander a 28 year old man, they put him in the glass chamber with the mineral. They told him to move forward and as he did the vitals of the mineral started to spike up to match Xander's vitals. Then he touched the mineral and it spiked and exploded shattering the glass, they ducked and as they Looked back up they saw no trace of the mineral left but Xander was still there. They pulled him out of the testing room and checked him for any type of bleed or cuts and check if he was sick and he was fine so they told him to go home get rest and come in the next day but he wouldn't budge, he got up and turned around and had a gun and shot the doctor in the heart killing him instantly. As Xander walked out the door a huge spurt of black, white, yellow, purple sprites came out of Xander and launched across the world and landed in different rural areas..
In the epic conclusion to the Devil's Deal series, Freya has one final chance to discover the full potential of her own power, and to use it to restore balance in the universe - once and for all. After the destruction caused by Roisin, Ferya and Torix come to terms with their losses and mistakes... And prepare for a final battle that will change everything.