A long time ago, there were cities that sat on large areas of land, whole nations, and millions of people. These were called continents, and they were ruled by governments, big and small. They had wars when it became over populated and there wasn't entirely land for food, homes, and jobs. Slowly they began to poison themselves and their land. They were so busy fighting that no one realized there was another threat. One that caused them to start falling into the sea.
The people were cut down to thousands, refugees in their own lands, the grass had long since died, and trees were few and far between. Erosion quickly drowning their world. Their only hope was a new species that had came to try and save their planet. The Depthoites, mainly water bound creatures that were smart and clever. They helped the humans who asked for it, slowly altering their DNA so that they and their children would be able to survive. We learned to live peacefully, in the sea were we built new homes, cities, and formed nations, with the Depthoites as their chosen leaders. But could aliens really have humanity?
الرواية بقلمي أنا إنتصار لخضاري (غيمة) سأقاضي كل من ينقلها بدون إذني .
🍂تنتقل فتاة المدينة للعيش في بيت جدتها في الريف بعد ذلك الحادث الذي تسبب في موت عائلتها لتلتقي هناك بذلك الشاب الذي تدعوه هي بغريب القرية ...دون أن تعلم بأن كل شيء حدث كان مخططا له ، لم تكن أمهاتنا على خطأ حينما أوصيننا أن لا نثق بشخص غريب و أن لا ندعو أناسا لا نعرفهم لبيوتنا ...🍂
" يبدو أنكِ جديدة هنا ، على كل أنا أسكن بالجوار إن إحتجتِ لأي شيء "
إبتسمت و هي تمد يدها لتصافحه " أنا كلوديا ! ما هو إسمك يا غريب القرية ؟"
إبتسم هو إبتسامة ساحرة و صافحها قائلا
" إديس ...أدعى إديس "
🍂صحيح أنها كانت المرة الأولى التي يصافح فيها بشرية لكنه كان متأكدا من أن الأمر سيتعدى ذلك خلال الأيام القليلة القادمة .🍂