Li Baoku, a teacher who lives in Gujing Village, a remote mountain village, has been around for a long time, suffering from society, resistance to life, and endless and irreversible despair. However, the promises and beliefs inherited from his own teacher. Let him always be concerned about the four naughty students in the village. And determined to contribute the last effort and life for these children.
Hundreds of light years away, a war involving the entire galaxy, which lasted more than 20,000 years, was about to end. In order to prevent the resurgence of the enemy's silicon-based empire, the winning carbon-based federation decided to bring captive opponents by creating stellar spaces that span hundreds of light years. This also represents the death of the planets that belong to these stars and the life on the planets. For most of the other carbon-based life in the galaxy, the federal star-removal operation was cold and merciless. The only way to escape this absolute destruction is if the life found is already sufficiently civilized and proven.
Before dying, Li Baoku made every effort to engrave the three laws of mechanics into the minds of four children. He didn't know that his four students would soon be selected as a questioning sample for the carbon-based federal civilization level test. He didn't even know that he had just memorized the laws of mechanics that eventually saved the earth's civilization and the entire solar system from the carbon-based federal star-removal operation.
When the crisis passed, the four children buried the teacher alone, and then brought the teacher's expectations to himself into tomorrow's life. After the heavy rain, the humble tombstone that the children wrote for Teacher Li has become a nameless broken wooden sign. However, the continuation of human civilization, human civilization itself, is the best tribute to Li Baoku and his educational work.
From something beyond his control, Izuku Midoriya was treated like a plague in the world
Having so much anger for the Heroes and the society who treat the innocents like shit attracted The Radio Demon, Alastor who offer Izuku powers and became a Powerful Overlord know as The Green Demon