An exercise in demented Adventure. A Test of ingenious Insanity. Fragile words spewed forth into the abyss of the the electronic medium. Diamonds forged in the coalmines of Memory. *OR......just pages upon pages of crap ;-)...* Only Time and Effort will tel. It begins here... May it NEVER end. Consider this FAIR WARNING: I do NOT write to make others feel better. I write to exorcise the Demons of my Soul; lest they devour me in a Darkness so complete it defies sanity. If you are looking for Rainbows.. Flowers.. Happy Endings.. etc.. Then this is NOT the Book for you. The only thing I can offer you is Understanding. For some- that is enough. Others prefer the Road well traveled. I walk the Paths lit by darkest light. Where warnings to run the other way are soundly ignored. I will shine an uncomfortable flashlight into the twisted recesses of thought. I will DARE you to not look away.. To ADMIT you walk here too. *and always remember: no one is ALONE in the Dark. For even the Darkness itself is a type of company. A stranger that you just needed to talk to a bit, before you realized you had quite a bit in common... and are not SO different after all* DOUBLE WARNING!!! though I go to RIDICULOUS lengths to extol the "virtues" & seduction of Death- I by NO MEANS endorse or encourage SUICIDE. I believe that Death should come to YOU; NOT visa-versa. Worry not my friends.. He shall surely find you in His own time. I only wish to convey that even the Darkest thoughts can be wondrous to explore. Traveling the Darkness on purpose to come out the other side, is a victory not rewarded enough. ~ALL poems/words are mine unless otherwise indicated. All material copy written- do NOT plagiarize. If you would like to use any of my poems or parts of a poem for something just ASK. (I will very likely say yes). Thank you & I hope you enjoy exploring the Dark as much as I have ~All Rights Reserved