Oh my gosh looking at this again after a few years holy crap this is a cringe fest im sorry if you read it haha
DOnt do it its not worth it
This is my first story so It is really bad and not very well done
Marinette is dating Luka.. Luka doesn't treat her very well and has cheated on her she finally has enough of it and wants to break up but when she finds out she's pregnant she tell Luka and he flips after a few years Marin meets someone who will take care of her and her little 3 year old daughter
( complete )
22 Kapitel Abgeschlossene Geschichte Erwachseneninhalt
22 Kapitel
Abgeschlossene Geschichte
Marinette 18 and single and still wanting to feel loved and she gives up on love after adrien's "let just be friends" but a blue Boy haired boy gets her attention she remembers him Luka her crush from High school also the one she rejected