The music shut off as tears poured down the children's faces. "Shield hears your cry for freedom, hears your cry for help, hears your cries of pain. We can help you to leave everything behind." Nick explained, heart clenching in his chest as he saw the looks of pain, of grief, of anger, and of understanding spread across the faces of these innocent, hurt, tortured children. "The question is; will you allow Shield to answer your calls?"
It was silent for a while, the four having a private conversation with their shared mind-link for, what looks to be, the last time. The four smiled a sad, understanding smile at each other, glanced at Nick, then glanced at the camera that was recording and streaming the live footage still.
One word that confirmed it, one word that left the Avengers grieving, one word that left Fury happy with the fact that he could help, one word that let the four souls that were trapped free, one word that finally allowed them to soar.
Peter, Harley, Rosalice, and Renesmee finally get to rest after the torture, pain, punishments... After everything, they finally get to just let go. It's Finally Over. Or is it?
Book 5 in the Arc 1 series
Started - 29.5.20
Completed - 18.8.20
Total words: 17,433
" Secrets are going to be unveiled." Perce told them.
" Traitors will be found." Castor commented.
" Wrong will be right." Estella informed.
" And hopefully love will blossom sooner in my parents this time." Perce said. "Let's get this party started then, shall we?"
The last this everyone in 1980s expected was for some kids from the future to send them memories.
Follow the Marauders with their colleagues as they find out what the future has in store for them.
Where a miracle happens.