Bellatrix LeStrange had managed to get the man she loved, The Dark Lord to fall for her at last! Or, at least that's what she believed had happened. Now she has the man that she has longed for, her life is finally what she always dreamed it to be! Finally, the crazed witch is happy and in love.
The two continue with their affair in secret, however, one day she accidently finds a piece of paper with his true plans, he had forgotten to put it away. These plans that the Dark Lord has in mind for her are not what she wanted.
Now, Bellatrix LeStrange must go against her Dark Lord and save herself, she becomes who she vowed to get rid her. She must become a traitor inorder to save her own life.
As time goes on, she discovers her love for another man.
Warning: Yes, this will contain some mature content.
in which a broken girl falls in love with a broken boy.
Elizabeth Turner is dead inside.
A broken heart.
And only he can cure her. But, will he win in the chase for her heart? Or will her heart ultimately shatter to pieces? Sirius has to try as hard as he can, but Elizabeth just might be out of reach. Still, he'll run as fast as he can, and hope with all his heart that he'll win the chase.
Disclaimer: I only take credit for my OCs and the parts I made up! J.K. Rowling owns everything else!
#3 in maraudersfanfic