The Earth had been beautiful until chaos landed through our world and destroy beloved things. Deadly rockets and bombs scattered throughout Soukai city. All deaths was caused by one guy, Michael Baldwin Artteton. A former student of St. Freya High who will target two possible students there. Vladimir Toshiaki and Kallen Theresa. Kallen and Theresa combined themselves into Sixth Violet that will become stronger and immortal and live as one person in life. Vladimir Toshiaki, a mafia who was CEO of Project Hymn and a rival of Michael. The main reason why he wants them is because of Kallen's duo immortalized powers and her immortal heart and he also wants kills Vladmir for replacing him as Kallen's lover/friend for treating her cruely. Luckily the two will become partners that will stop chaos that was made by Michael.
{Mostly a Kallen!Theresa!Author x Male Reader}